「Neurosonology」 目次
Vol.21〜 (2008年〜)
Vol.16〜Vol.20 (2003年〜2007年)
Vol.11〜Vol.15 (1998年〜2002年)
Vol.6〜Vol.10 (1993年〜1997年)
- Vol.8 No.1
- Vol.8 No.2
- Vol.8 No.3
- Vol.8 No.4
Vol.1〜Vol.5 (1988年〜1992年)
投稿規程(日本語)2025年1月1日 一部改訂(PDF)
A. 投稿資格
B. 研究倫理指針の遵守
1. 投稿される論文の研究を遂行するにあたっては、厚生労働省の医学研究に関する指針およびヘルシンキ宣言に準拠し十分配慮しなければならない。研究および論文発表に際しては、所属機関またはそれに準ずる機関で定められた倫理審査委員会の承認を得る。ただし、倫理審査委員会より倫理審査不要の判断がなされた場合には,その旨を論文に明記する。
1-1. 原著
1-2. 症例報告、技術報告、短報
1-3. 総説、Letters to the editor
2. 研究および論文発表に際して、あらかじめ患者(または代諾者)よりインフォームドコンセントを受け、その内容を所属機関で記録しておくとともに、論文に明記する。場合によって編集委員長から記録の提出を求めることがある。
3. 患者個人を識別できる情報(他の情報と容易に照合でき、そのことで患者を識別できるものを含む)は論文に用いない。学術的に用いる必要がある場合は、患者(または代諾者)より文書にて同意を取得し、その旨論文に明記する。同意書コピーは論文に添付する。
4. 上記2)3)について、患者および代諾者に説明を行えない場合、所属機関またはそれに準ずる機関の倫理審査委員会から論文発表の承認を受け、その旨を論文に明記する。
C. 利益相反
D. 投稿原稿の種類
総説・原著・症例報告・技術報告・短報・Letters to the editor・その他編集委員会の認めたものとし,他誌に未投稿,未発表のものとする.本誌に掲載された論文に対するLetters to the editorは、対象論文の掲載から可及的速やか(2か月以内)に投稿すること。
E. 原稿の書き方
F. 論文の採否
G. 著者校正
H. 著作権・出版権
I. 掲載費用
J. 別刷代
別刷は30部まで無料、超える分については1部100円の有料とする(著者校正依頼の際の添付書類により注文を受ける).ただし,Letters to the Editorには別刷は作成しない.
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メール1通の受信容量は最大10MBまで。最大容量を超える場合は、複数回に分けて送信するか、CD-ROMで送付のこと。 - 送付先アドレスおよび連絡先
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一般社団法人日本脳神経超音波と栓子検出学会機関誌 編集室 編集委員長 竹川 英宏
Instructions to Contributors(English) Revised: August 31, 2021
Neurosonology, publishes papers contributing to the development of neurosonology.
1.Requirement for subtnission
The first author should be a member of the Japan Academy of Neurosonology.
2.Ethical considerations
1)In conducting a research with the aim of submitting a paper, it is required that the medical research guidelines of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare as well as Helsinki Declaration be complied with and given sufficient consideration. In the case that approval has been obtained from the ethics committee designated by the affiliated institution or an institution equivalent to it, this fact must be clearly stated in the paper.
2)It is required that informed consent be obtained from patients (or proxies) prior to a research and its publication, and that the details be recorded at the affiliated institution and be clearly stated in the paper. In some cases, the Chairman of the Editorial Committee may request the submission of the records.
3)Personally identifiable information (including information that can be easily checked against other information and is thereby sufficient to identify the patients) of patients must not be used in the paper. In the case that it is necessary to use it from the academic point of view, the researcher shall obtain written consents from the patients (or proxies), and clearly state the fact in the paper. A copy of the consents needs to be attached to the paper.
4)In the case that it is not possible to explain items 2 and 3 above to the patients or the proxies, the publication of the paper needs to be approved by the ethics committee of the affiliated institution or an institution equivalent to it, and this fact must be clearly stated in the paper.
3.Conflict of interest
Regarding contents of a paper to be submitted, all authors shall declare presence/absence of any item with a conflict of interest based on “Guidelines for Conflict of Interest in Medical Research of The Japan Academy of Neurosonology” and “Detailed regulations for Conflict of Interest in Medical Research of The Japan Academy of Neurosonology” using a submission application form and describe accordingly at the end of the paper before references. In a case that any conflict of interest presents, names of the author(s), company or organization involved as well as the content shall be described. The submitted “Submission application form” should be handled as prescribed in the “Guidelines for Conflict of Interest in Medical Research”.
4.Manuscript classifications
Neruosonology publishes Original Articles, Reviews, Case Reports, Technical Notes, Brief Communications and Letters to the Editor. Other submissions may be accepted at the discretion of the Editorial Committee, and not been published or published in other journals. Letters to the editor for the paper published in this journal should be posted as soon as possible (within two months).
5.Manuscript Preparation
Please refer to "Manuscript Preparation" (:69kb).
6.Electronic file Submission
All manuscript files, including the title page, abstract, text, references, tables, figures and legends must be submitted as electronic files. As for the references not registered in PubMed, you shall attach the scanned PDF file or copy in which the bibliographic information (author’s name, title, title of journal, year, volume, page, etc.) is provided. Specify the necessary information on the Submission application. The submission application can be downloaded on the Japan Academy of Neurosonology homepage. Please note that the submitted digital file will not be returned.
Submission Application(Word file)
Submission Application(PDF file)
7.Judgment of adoption of the paper
Whether a paper is adopted or not shall be determined by the Editorial Committee based on the results of the peer review. The Editorial Committee may ask for partial modification of the manuscript when it is published on our journal. Further, the Editorial Committee may make a modification under a responsibility of the Editorial Committee as the case may be. In a case that a paper was adopted, the manuscript shall not be returned in principle. In a case that any suspicion of inappropriate activities in a research arises such as illegal, multi- and unauthorized submission and violation of ethical guideline procedure, determination of acceptance or adoption of the paper may be withdrawn unless a legitimate reason is suggested to the chairman of the Editorial Committee. If it was proved after its publication, public notice shall be given accordingly on our journals.
Authors shall be required to correct a galley proof once. Including additional information or significantly revising the text or data at this time is not permitted.
Copyright of articles printed in Neurosonology lies with the Japan Academy of Neurosonology.
10.Publication fees
Publishing a paper in Nerurosonology is generally free of charge; however, additional fees are charged if papers exceed the predefined limits. Color printing is also subject to a fee of 20,000 yen (tax inclusive) per printed page.
Up to 30 reprints can be ordered free of charge. A fee of 100 yen per copy will be charged after the initial 30 copies. Reprint order forms are provided during the proof stage. No reprint for Letter to Editors.
12.Manuscript submission
- All manuscript files must be submitted as digital files.
- We can accept 10MB or less of digital data by e-mail. When the capacity is over 10MB, digital data should be divided into separated files or be sent as a written CDR. The submission application must be submitted along with the manuscript.
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